Alternatively, if output file is fasta or fastq, the header of each sequence contains all tags, separated by a single whitespace, that would be present in the BAM format. Example FASTQ header:
@m54006_171006_044150/5/ccs bc=3,3 bl=CGCGCGTG bq=100 bt=CGCGCGTG bx=8,8 cx=12 qe=2235 ql=p\tttrop qs=8 qt=G^\IGR]K
Additional tags
Tag | Description |
bc | Barcode pair indices, integer codes represent 0-based position in the FASTA file of barcodes |
bl | Barcode sequence clipped from leading end |
bq | Barcode score / quality, normalized between 0 and 100 |
bt | Barcode sequence clipped from trailing end |
bx | Pair of clipped barcode sequence lengths |
ql | Qualities of barcode bases clipped from leading end, stored as a FASTQ string |
qt | Qualities of barcode bases clipped from trailing end, stored as a FASTQ string |